アールト大学のコレクティブデザインの授業で制作したインスタレーション作品。課題テーマのLuxury とは、"至極快適で優雅な状態やごく稀にしか得られない喜びや幸福感"のことである。「瞬間との立ち会い」と「一回性のリズム」をコンセプトに、時間を忘れさせる一分時計を制作した。
“A flowing time,” is a one-minute-clock which makes you forget about time.
Luxury is a rarely attainable state of great comfort. That comfort comes to me when I see the vacant imagery that appears in the surface of water or a curtain waving in the wind. They have an organic rhythm that cannot be replicated. That unrepeatable rhythm is one of the key concepts of this piece. On the ceramic plate coated by a superhydrophobic spray, water droplets are moving with unrepeatable rhythm. You would vacantly look at it, your mind blank. It evokes the second concept, that of a moment. Seeing a moment such as streetlights turning on or a dead leaf falling off of a tree gives you a special feeling, seeing beauty in the mundane. When the water drops in the hole and the ceramic plate routinely makes its minute-turn, you know that time is passing, and in that time you are experiencing an irreplaceable moment, one of subtle, serene pleasure.
Luxury is a rarely attainable state of great comfort. That comfort comes to me when I see the vacant imagery that appears in the surface of water or a curtain waving in the wind. They have an organic rhythm that cannot be replicated. That unrepeatable rhythm is one of the key concepts of this piece. On the ceramic plate coated by a superhydrophobic spray, water droplets are moving with unrepeatable rhythm. You would vacantly look at it, your mind blank. It evokes the second concept, that of a moment. Seeing a moment such as streetlights turning on or a dead leaf falling off of a tree gives you a special feeling, seeing beauty in the mundane. When the water drops in the hole and the ceramic plate routinely makes its minute-turn, you know that time is passing, and in that time you are experiencing an irreplaceable moment, one of subtle, serene pleasure.